Microsoft Teams connector installation guide

We provide a connector to integrate your chatbot with Microsoft Teams.

Prerequisites for the installation

You must have administrator access to your Microsoft Azure cloud or, at least, the rights to create an Azure "Bot services" resource.
You must have the Administrator or Technical Manager role in your chatbot's management back-office.


In order to make the documentation easier to read, we voluntarily display the sensitive data of the Microsoft Teams application in clear text. These data are not exploitable. Please make sure to keep and secure access to this data in accordance with your organization's security policy.

1. Access the resource creation page on Microsoft Azure

Authenticate to your Microsoft Azure cloud with your credentials; then search for "Azure bot"; then click on the "Azure bot" link.

Accès à la création du chatbot sur Microsoft Azure

2. Creation of the Azure Bot

- Fill in the resource creation form respecting the constraints of the form and your organization.
- Enter the name of your chatbot (bot descriptor).
- Select your subscription and your resource group.
- Select the Standard price level in order not to be limited in the number of messages exchanged.
- Leave the creation of the application ID and password activated.
- Click on the "Verify + create" button at the bottom of the form and validate the creation.

Creation of the Bot Azure resource

Once the operation is done, you are redirected to the deployment screen. Once it is completed, click on "Access the resource".

Resource deployment

3. Resource configuration

Once the resource screen is visible, click on "Configuration" in the side menu.

Azure Bot resource screen

Once on the configuration screen, enter the following email endpoint:

Remind to copy the Microsoft App ID somewhere, you will be asked for it in the next steps.

Resource Configuration

4. Activating the Microsoft Teams channel

Once you have created your resource, click on the "Channels" tab in the side menu.

Then click on the Microsoft Teams button to activate the channel.

Activate Microsoft Teams

Validate the default configuration by clicking on the "Save" button then accept the terms of use.

Accept the Azure terms of use

5. Recovering the secret

We now need to recover the secret key previously created (automatically).

Keep the tab open, and open the Azure portal again. Type in the search bar "Key vault" and click on the corresponding service.

Access to the "key safe" service

Once on this screen, select the previously created key safe and click on the "Secrets" tab in the side menu.

Access to the key safe

It is likely that you do not have the rights to view the various secrets, so we will now create an access policy.

Go to "Access Policies" in the side menu, then click on the "Add Access Policy" button.

Create an Access Policy - 1

Once on the creation screen, select the "Key and secret management" template, then select your own account as the principal. This procedure allows you to get the rights to list, modify, etc. the various secrets in the vault.

Finally, click on the "Add" button.

Creating an access strategy - 2

Now go to "Secrets", you should now be able to see the different secrets of the vault.

Click on the one previously created and then on its "Current version" (there should be only one version).

Secret Access - 1

Secret Access - 2

Finally, copy its value by clicking on the button at the bottom right of the secret screen.

Recovering the secret

You now have two keys at your disposal, the first one corresponds to the ID of the Microsoft application, the second to its secret. We are now going to add these values in the chatbot administration back-office.

6. Chatbot configuration (back-office)

Go to the chatbot back-office connectors page. Log in with your login and password if necessary.

Once on the "Settings" page, click on the "Connectors" button in the left menu, then click on the "Microsoft Teams" tab.

Go to Access Connector Settings

Click on the activation button of the Microsoft Teams application, enter your "App ID" previously noted, then click on the "Save" button, perform the same operation with the "App Key" data (secret).

Microsoft Teams Connector Settings

You have now finished configuring the connector. If you want, you can customize it directly from the retained tab on the Azure portal or go to Microsoft Teams to make sure it works properly.

7. Using the chatbot

To use the chatbot, connect to your Microsoft Teams account and click on the "Conversations" tab. Click on the button to create a new conversation and in the search engine, enter the name of your chatbot, you can now chat with it!

Chat with the chatbot

Optional: white-label customization

If you wish, you can customize your chatbot in white-label. In this case, go to the "Azure bot" resource that you created in the second step. In the side menu, go to the "Bot profile" tab.

From this screen you can:
Modify the chatbot's name
Add a description to the chatbot
Add a custom icon to the chatbot

Customize the chatbot

To go back to the home page: click here

Updated on: 23/02/2022

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